Wellness Rediscovery is a wellness center in Richland, IN that promotes natural healing using Reflexology, Zyto scan, Infrared Light Therapy, foot detoxing, and more. We are a team of Reflexologists that look at the whole body with the assistance of the Zyto health scan. It gives direction for us to concentrate on the specific needs of clients using detoxing, Young Living essential oils, Infrared therapy, Bentonite clay and reflexology.
Our philosophy at Wellness Rediscovery is to assist the body to heal on its own. One of the most amazing aspects of the human body is its ability to heal itself. There are 30-40 trillion cells in the human body, and every second that we're alive, these cells work tirelessly to achieve equilibrium, keeping us at—or bringing us back to—a natural balance. All the services we offer add a different approach to self-healing! God designed our bodies with the innate ability to take care of itself.
I worked in the dental/ medical field for over 20 years+ and have always had interest in holistic treatments to assist the body in healing! I live in Newburgh currently and have been married to Dave Farmer for 31 years. We have three daughters, Sara, Hannah and Rachel. Two grandchildren, Aurora is four and Asher is two and full of energy! In my free time, I have a silk floral design hobby and enjoy walks, studying about the body, spending time with my family!
I have 20 + Years of experience in healthcare. My healthcare career started at St Vincent ER and continued throughout the years. I love caring for people. I 100% believe In holistic approach! I have a wonderful husband, Sidney Meece and I have 2 children, Jessica Clark & Darrin Meece. I also have 5 grandchildren- Ruthee, Sawyer, Mollee, Cole & Swayzee!